Saturday, November 21, 2009

Our Greatest Fear —Marianne Williamson

it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,talented and fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.We were born to make manifest the glory ofGod that is within us.It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,we unconsciously give other peoplepermission to do the same.As we are liberated from our own fear,Our presence automatically liberates others.
—Marianne Williamson

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Have you ever felt maligned and caught in between situation?
Well that is exactly what happened.

Personally I can empathise with both side because of the different objectives that both ends are trying to attain. I duno what exactly is gg on but wat i felt was that I was accused of certain things even before things were clarified. Something like a "you are guilty unless proven innocent" in which seriously I m not very interested in claiming my stake for innocence cause it just result in more unhappiness. What I dint like was the attitude that I was subjected to which I must say I CAN empathise to some extent.

Although I do not know exactly what was the arrangement I personally felt that no side was wrong however due to some communication breakdown, one party wasnt informed of certain arrangement in which the other party wasnt aware of as well. Well I guess certain good things that can come out of it is that it shows the importance of proper communication towards parties involved.

Also by me venting my frustration on blog just shows that there is still some way to go before I can attain the emotional maturity stated on lesson 14 on SMI. Perhaps I could have handle the situation in a better manner if I dint allow my feelings of being maligned to overcome me and objectively listened before I commented. Well end of the day it just shows that there are still much to learn in my journey towards my success in life. For everything that happened, there is always a silver lining. Instead of focusing on what has happened, I shall attempt to focus on what I can do to better improve myself in the future.

I shall perservere till I succeed!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

FAIL MY IPPT.. Sigh... The rest of the station get 5 also no use lor.

Felt that I dint put in my 100% when jogging today. First 2 rounds was good, 3rd round i started coughing badly then i stop to cough it out.. Subsequently cant find back the momentum to carry me through the 6 rounds... Quite disapointed with my performance today.

Only consolation is that this is my first ippt test in 2 years. All I need to improve is on the mental aspect of the jogging and I am set to pass ippt. The rest of the station was a breeze surprisely given i haven been training for them at all.

3 Times a week training is beckoning. Hopefully I will pass the next one that they have halfway through RT. Also hope to be able to get to know more pple during this RT.


Work has been great. Really convinced that this is the line that I want to be in for the forseeable future. Just did a H1N1 hospitalisation claim 2 months ago as well as a Pregnancy complication claim 5 months ago. I really hope that I will not need to do any death or critical illness claims but I heard from my colleagues that it's a life changing experience to be helping a client do such claim.

Recently have been doing quite a fair bit of investment linked policies. Currently I think that this policy is really something. Especially when it's for young people. Just did one for a client's kid. Power sia. Even if my client pay for next 10 years only it will be able to provide coverage to the child while still accumulating wealth for the rest of his life! =)

Hope that i can improve myself further. Feel that there are many areas that I should brush up.


Been coughing like mad these 1-2 weeks. Getting really irritating and it really affects my mood at times. Hope that it will recover soon. My pi pa gao not working leh =s

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Feel like drinking...

Anyway have been taking RT for the past few weeks. Quite a good training I must say though. Good opportunity for me to lose that excess fats and gain back my fitnes. I miss my old fitness. Shall get it back! IPPT on Thurs, will try my best to pass it!

Time to feel like this once again! anyway the pic was from way back maybe 2006?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Should I or should i not? hmmm...

Chu(4) Qia(1)? Quite a tempting thought.. better do more research scarly regret...

Friday, August 07, 2009

What exactly is good service in my line?

I have been pondering about this question over and over again.

After chatting with many pple on this topic i came to a conclusion(duno if universal or not)

Basically sums up to this one word.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

I am taking this news harder than I tot i will be...

Life goes on

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Had been troubled lately. With a lot of questions, personal challenges etc

Time and passed and gone, how can I make use of whatever time i have right now to get my dream?

Really need to think of a way to hasten this process

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why are you doing what you are doing? What motivates you?

Tough question.. been thinking a lot to myself on this question. Interesting questions isnt it? I had quite a lot of answers but i had the problem in the past finding the very one thing that burn deeply inside. Lately after experiencing quite a fair bit of the ups and down of the career, the excitment of being to really benefit the client by helping them plan their finances to the demoralising pekchekness of being "pangsehed" again...

I currently have a list of answers to the questions. Some of the personal, some of the childish, some of them are superficial but ultimately it doenst matter i feel. As long as we know exactly why we are doing what we are doing, there is no reason to fail.

-by the way. I m writing this just to remind myself nv to fall back to the comfort zone, the state of mediocracy. Jiayou Wilson!!

Saturday, April 04, 2009


It's been a while since I took my last examination. Today i experienced the same agony that I felt when I was in Year1 Sem1. Was totally lost in the AFP examination.

Unlike the previous papers that I attempted before the exam, this paper has more theory than calculations and I came prepared for tackling tough calculations. WRONG TACTIC!

In the end for some questions I had to resort to intelligent guesses for many of the question. the question are incredibly tough with many tricky questions. Really have to know our stuff fully before attempting.

Shall cross my fingers and hope that when the results comes out next month, I might just get lucky and pass!

Anyway was in NUS the past 2 days (Wed and Thurs) for KR bazaar. Had a booth there to promote our internship program. Feels good to be back in the campus though I feel out of place as all of them look so young!

With all the examination, internship promoting settled behind me, it's time to embark on my primary job, the closings! Next week will be a exciting week for me and I am looking forward to it! Especially since our latest product that was just launched on the 1st April! Looking forward! =)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My tuition kids rocks!

Got this a few days back during my birthday. Was seriously touched. =)
Sometimes(or rather most of the times), the simple things that one do can really light up another person's life. We tend to forget that a simple msg or a note to wish one happy birthday(applicable to other stuff as well) can mean a lot to the person receiving it. Simple things like replying a msg, actively finding out more about what's gg on in other's life can really mean a lot of difference.
Just blogged this to make sure that I dun forget this. Striving to be a person who can make this difference to the pple i care about, my clients, my pillars of support. Still got lotsa to learn and apply before I can be a better person.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

静茹 卢广仲 - 不是我不明白


你在送我回家 我还在猜测
一直想象 还有某种关联

懂得爱 说来无奈


但现在 说来感慨

In love with this song right now. just some random song that i downloaded.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Random Thought 1:
My tooth is giving me problems again!

Yes. The same one that has given me days and days of looking like a clown back in taiwan. It's back!!! Took some antibiotics hopefully within the next few days it will heal.

Guess its really time for me to go do that root canal treatment that i have been procrastinating...

Random Thought 2:
Anyway just wanna thank those who contributed to my birthday present yesterday. You all rock! =) I will definitely make use of the accessories for future appointments. =)

Random Thought 3:

Project 300 is gg on well. Some revision have to be made as it started a bit slower than expected but so far the result is encouraging.

I really need to force myself to reach office by 830am... Owed a total of 3 breakfasts already and still I tend to reach slightly later!

Random Though 4:

Turning 26 in a matter of days. Looking forward to the challenges ahead of me for this coming year of the OX.
"History shall be kind to me cos I intend to make it." -Winson Churchill-

Monday, January 12, 2009

Initiating Project 300...

Completion Date 30th June 2009.

3 down.... 297 to go!!! Looking forward! =)

If it's to be it's up to me.!