Monday, October 31, 2005

this is so dumb~

Read each line aloud without making any mistakes. If you make a mistake you MUST start again without going any further.
This is this puzzle
This is is puzzle
This is how puzzle
This is to puzzle
This is keep puzzle
This is an puzzle
This is idiot puzzle
This is busy puzzle
This is for puzzle
This is forty puzzle
This is seconds! puzzle

Answer: Now go back and read the THIRD word in each line from the top.

Friday, October 28, 2005


as i take a break from my studying, i scanned through some of my photos i took when i was ns... wahh.. really emotional trip sia.. all those shit and pain that we had to go through... 72 km road march, Falcon... Me fighting to come back after my knee ops... really glad that i was in my platoon...

So i decided to post some pics as a tribute to some really special pple that made a difference...
the commando spirit never die...i will always be part of the ex 4th company, part of commandos... It's in our blood... right jianwei?

okay.. back to study... test later again...

ORD parade... it's a mix of pride and sadness as we finally move on to the next stage of our life.. i really missed the times we had then...I guess outsiders will never understand.. The commando spirit is something that not everyone can understand.. FOR HONOUR AND GLORY , COMMANDO~! Posted by Picasa

The Best Platoon ever.. Best platoon for 2 yrs in the only company to ever get recon 1 for the 2 years of atec that we fought.. bEST IN SPORE GUYS~!  Posted by Picasa

in thailand with the the best RSM and CO that a man could wish for... respect!!! Posted by Picasa

2 of the most garang pple that i have seen...
RSM on the left and Ah Lien on the right(OC)... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Shall attempt to blog while waiting for breakfast.. today we had training for handball.. wat i can say is tat generally we dint play well..

when i mean we dun play well i mean
1) The passing wasnt accurate(i mean usually u c me doing this but today half is team is mispassing)
2) The communication wasnt there
3) The flow wasnt there
4) We lost our cool...

it's very frustrating when we have to stop our flow of the game over and over again... If it isnt a match or something i might still be quite cool about it... but i guess i was in the mentality of actually playing.. HELLO~~ it's a match remember?
i mean although it's true tat our play will improve if we master it and tat yar it's a training after all but i guess my objective for the day was to try to improve my own play as a pivot... to recall qinghuan style of game and try to adopt it to my own... cos i think tat i run around too much when attacking.

In the end i think we dint really set a really good example to the juniors.. with our sloppy passing and stuff... I think we failed to show them wat a real handball match should be about... Precise passing, superb moves, accurate shots, great situation awareness etc... Actually i think there isnt much guidance given to the juniors this yr which i think we should actually do... There are the future of KR handball after all.

anyway after our training we had a friendly match with the RH pple... they are supposed to be damn strong supposingly.. HOwever i dun think they are as strong as the seniors made them out to be... but i have to say tat they have more communication and flair compared to our game... They are playing more as a team then us which i think still lack communication. dunno lar i shall not think too much. juz concentrate on improving my game and creating chances for the outside players... i am sure with more games together with the team we will have the communication there...

i believe with the trainings to come, the things will change and we will be able to improve on our game during teamplay as well as individual plays..

anyway yz i dint think that u played a lousy game today... i think that your idea were gd and that your moves were quite good today... it's juz wasted that some of you passes to me was intercepted.. there were a few superb passes and moves lar... the RH centre and 2nd can stop ur attack at all remember?

Ken... ur wing shot today is cao zai lar...SUPERB~~!!! getting closer and closer to hui hu's level sia...=P i cant say the same for my shots though... esp the "side pass" shot.. was quite disgusted by it... Shall not be so ji(2) in shooting the ball... shall make sure that my shots will be at that level..!

okay i think i wrote a lot... better go get my breakfast n slp le... later got quiz sia...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

DAMn Stressed~!!

ARghh... damn bloody stressed now sia... studied for since 2 plus till now and yet i am still stuck at lecture 10... dun really understand lecture 8,9,10 ... sigh....
dun care already !!! taking a break now to blog..
i decide tat i shall start doing my helpsheet now... if not sure can write finish in time...

I declare that i shall be ultra phamtom in hall for the next few weeks... need to study...

btw.. the song is called untitled... by simple plan.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

deleted mtv posts cos i wan to put up my music!!! yay~!!! i finally got music in my blog!!!! hahaa... shiok!!!
this is a damn nice song lar.~!=P

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I am in trouble

You know ur in trouble when:

1) u cant sleep at night
2) u cant wake up in the morning
3) u only manage to cover 1 tutorial in the night
4)When ur body clock is so screwed that u didnt even hear the alarm ringing.
5)u feel so bloody sick n yet u dun know wat's wrong with u.
6) u study n study yet so little goes in..
7)u have to work on friday and sat thus missing out on 2 days of study time.

and most importantly
8) all of the above esp when u got 4 tests next week....

damn~! i am sooo screwed....

Sunday, October 16, 2005

junxing and siyong.. my lecture buddies cum classmates in jc.. haha... dun always mia leh junxing~!!! attend lectures.~!!opps.. he duno m y blog.. haha.. Posted by Picasa

pi jiu meis... Posted by Picasa

they actually took photo of me while i was dozing off.. wat the hell..haha..  Posted by Picasa

before.. me and my makeshift gf...(she say one not i say one..) i still wan my present on 20th oct wanyun.. haha... Posted by Picasa

After... look at my face.. omg.... Posted by Picasa

siyong with 2 engine "huas" Posted by Picasa

siyong and xintian bday

the 04/00 guys again.. haha..

finally got the photos from xintian tat we take during siyong and her bday celebration at china1...

yay... we went there to chill, drink and listen to the music of EIC.. they are really very good...
Cant exactly remember wat happened le.. but i remember taking a lot of photos and we actually took a photos in the loo... can u believe it? haha.. one crazy bunch of pple....

Halfway throughout the band i felt damn drowsy n they actually took photo of me slping~!! WTF..

i really enjoy going out with them.. haha always so packed with laughter one. i mean how often do u go out with pple then the gers love beers one.. haha..

My PRU frens.. haha.. This was the pple who went to celebrate cheryl's bday at the ktv~~ HAd lotsa fun pple~! Posted by Picasa

With 2 siao char bohs around, u juz cant do the "diu sign" properly... hahaz... shan shan looks so act weird while me and huiching look so happy.. haha Posted by Picasa

my funny face during cheryl bday.. we went ktv yay~! Posted by Picasa

THE 04/00 Khakis~!!  Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 14, 2005

Damn high from the lack of sleep

OH MY GOD~!!! i love my bed~~ wahhh so shiok to be slacking in my room now.. the past few days had been quite stressful indeed... 4 deadlines on e same day can really make one damn stressed.. i haven sleep for like 40 odd hours le..

did my essay until 11 plus this morning before meeting siyong to do autocad lab. skipped a 1 hr lecture to steal some slping time in engin club rm where i rested for like 20-30 mins. had project group meeting at 4, followed by lecture at 5 then lab at 6-8... wah.... killer sia

BUT!!! for some strange reasons... i am not tired~!!!haha.. strange.. hmm.. too high le maybe haha...Anyway there's one thing tat i really really feel like doing right now.. tat is to...............

GET A TAN~!!! wah piang eh.. i am damn fair now can.. yuckS~! cannot stand it.. why muz be naturally so fair? I want to go sentosa and play vollyball n do silly stuff such as jump into the sea!! but i guess i muz wait till exams is over... It's just too near my exams to relax that much.. gonna have 4 test in a little less than 2 weeks time. hope i can score..

going to watch my movie clip le.. THE OC~hahaha.. huiching i watching season 3 le~!!haha...opps

Thursday, October 13, 2005

sigh.. taking a break from my hectic work to blog... really damn stressed now.. sighz... How to finish everything by tmr?!!! 2 structural assignments 1 essay and i autocad lab.. Juz when i tot that i no need to do essays anymore... How i long for the times when i went for parajumps~~ The view... The feeling of freedom... The adrenaline rush... The cold wind blowing against your face as you slowly descend from the sky~ I really like parajumps~! Posted by Picasa

PLay with passion and aggression this yR~!! i wan the medal!~!
Posted by Picasa


Dont u juz like it when suddenly ur motivated to do something? For now i am motivated to get my studies back on track... Better make use of every chance to study..~ However progress is slow as i cant seem to be able to memorise all the formula by heart... Doing the assignment urself really helps to make me have better understanding of the topic.. Usually i understand the logic behind the formulas and stuff but cant really apply as do not know the trick yet...

Not studying during the first year really handicapped me sia.. cos i have to keep apply what i learnt in year 1 in to the questions.. sigh... But slowly but surely i am catching up...

Juz now shuqi said that i look very lao shi.. really meh? hmmm... haha... dunno if tat's bad or good.. haha.. told her about me not liking a fix income as i wan those jobs where income= effort put in.. the reward based jobs...Of cos i will love the comfort of the fix income too lar... but somewhere somehow one muz always find something where you can earn more than juz the fix pay... OR else HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO GET RICH!~!!!... call me money faced but i really dun like the current situation i am in where expentiture>> income~!! haha..
However i think that i lack something to do sales.... I cant sell to my frens.. i shuo bu chu kou.. dunno why sia.. booo...

Been in a slump for too long... time for me to show pple wat i am made of...!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Busy DaY

Today was a damn shag day sia... rushed to lecture at 10 till 5pm... After tat i went to e interview for Open house pd... met fanny and lorraine there... they running for pd for open house and bash... hmm.. haha.. my freshies so siao on one ar.. haha....
After that i had to rush all the way to serangoon area for my tuition... wah piang... dint even eat dinner.... realised tat my students having O level's soon... wah piang.. i hope he get good good results... From wat i c his chem should be no prob le...
It also meant tat my only source of income to coming to an end.. been trying to find tuition this few months but cant find leh... Muz think of ways to earn money...Hmm...

Maybe the Plasma tv and lcd tv lobang tat i have... maybe i should do more aggressive callings....After all the price for the lcd and plasma is really quite cheap compared to outside.. well.. i guess i muz keep my eyes open for more lobang coming up.. u never know which is the one which can change ur life...

DAmn bloody broke recently... Sigh.. also dunno where all my money fly to... Need to get more lobang man.. Why muz my handphone spoil?? if not i can make a few calls and ask my fren if they got lobangs or not... or ask my fren to employ me.. hahaa... It feels weird now that i do not have a lot of pple's handphone no... yar... Hope i can find tuition or some way to make money soon... Insurance? hmm... it's actually quite interesting... meeting my brother to play cash flow game on thurs.. hope i can make use of the chance to get more motivation and idea... Be it to make money or study...
dun wanna get stuck with a measly pay in the future.. i wanna make it big... Studying is juz sooo not the way....but still i muz study.. i need to prove a point.. Studies is a good platform to train ur determination and the piece of paper can always be used as a backup in future...

okay i htink i should slp...

Sunday, October 09, 2005


to my fren who is feeling down.. not sure if u will be reading this but JIAYOU~!!!! Tommorrow will be a better day... remember tat ! Anything can find me talk...
Intended to wake up at 8 plus to go for squash trials today but the basketball match i had the day b4 plus slping late and waking up at 8 plus the past 2 days really took its toll on me...Somehow i was very tired after the basketball training but i juz cant get to slp early... As promised kingman called me to wake me up(how did she do tat man!?? she slpt later than me lar...) then chang jie went up to my room to wake me up... hahaa.. but i was too tired to move.. i wan to learn squash~! feel like picking up new sports... WAs interested in joining since last yr but i missed the trials.... Thanks King man and Chang jie for waking me up.. haha.. sorrie i wasnt able to move my body hahaa.

feeling damn unfit now.. need to train up .. haha.. okay i always say tat... haha....lacking of confidence recently.. be it in sports or in everyday life... needa buck up a bit .. find back the attitude guy i was in army... think my mental getting weaker.. lack of tekan?haha....

Went to ktv today to celebrate cheryl bday.. never been to a ktv where i had my voice for a long time.. the past few times tat i went there i had sore throat.. today although still a bit of phlegm but yay~! finally can sing the songs i wan.. haha really had fun~!

went to meet the fervo pple after tat... Glad to c them after so long. Although its juz a small group we really had fun.. very long nver c them sia... too bad no one brought camera... haha.

in all spent a lot today but i had fun~! nice to meet up with frens and be away from the hall for a while... i getting a bit no life from staying in hall everyday n not going out to town ... I LOVE KTV SIA~~~!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.
haha zhun boh?

Those were the times

Was feeling bored so i went through some of the photos tat i took during union camp and engine camp...Really glad that i went union camp 2004. initially i dint wan to go cos i tot it was a total waste of time... But in the end i was glad that i joined... Made some really good frens there and also strengthened some frenships.. Although there was where i knew the person who broke my heart but it is also the place where i got to know great pple like wanyun cailing and company... Really glad that junxing and kev was in my group...04/00 rules guys~!

Engine camp 2005.
haha.. yet another last min thing that i signed up for cos of frens... A lot of my frens are in engine club and i tot hell~! since i got nothing to do and haven found a job might as well go for it.. haha.. when i went for it it's already at the 2nd dry run.. haha had lotsa fun though stupid wanyun kept asking me to carry her and walk around in sentosa... haha... Everything was really last min but we were confident that we could make it happen... Imagine coming up with the play and the group tags(forgot wat u call it le) on the night before the camp... haha... n i was arrowed by our dear wanyun to be GC(councilor ic) for our group...

at first i tot the name of my group is really spastic.. cos we were under TICK TOCK house... so we called ourselves ROlex... SPastic Right? haha... anyway our group were really quite small bout 7 freshies and 6 councilors.. haha... i was a bit shocked by the small no initially but we juz worked with it... it was a blessing in disguise i realised.. cos in the end we are all very close ...
i still remember the silly wanyun being the hot target of many guys...there are like soooo many pple chasing her la.. haha..
still remember us not slping at night and playing taitee until the wee hours with the freshies then carry on our small chitchats when they finally left to go slp...
had lotsa of fun at the confidence plus night walk at the sentosa.. haha.. Lester and you li were damn hilarious.. imagine sticking grass to his hair? haha for ur info his hair is always styled until very nice one... as for youli he totally became insane when he was blindfolded for the night walk.. haha.. singing and crapping..!!!
Overall i think engin camp was a smashing success~!!! HAd really fun time there....

Union camp

union camp was a totally different camp from engin camp.. Probably cos of the sheer no of pple involved... Union camp have about 400 -500 freshies... engine had less than 100....
I paired up with yuwei who was really a bit of the kanchiong spider.. but it was good cos she made sure all loose ends were tied up long before the camp... We finsihed the mascot and stuff like 2-3 weeks b4 the actual camp itself...

Had fun with my group for union camp although it was harder to bond them together cos there are really too many different pple.. Lucky i had crazy wanyun and pple like ken and jeremy to help me out.. The freshies dint really like yuwei which sort of dampens the camp a little...
We had fun as usual but i guess i din have tat much fun cos there isnt freedom for me to decide wat to do and stuff with my group cos the councilors had many dif ideas and some of them were more stubborn with it.. In the end i made quite a few comprimises here n there... Preferred my pairing with wan yun cos her thinking is similar to mine..
oh yar.. this is when our darling wanyun got attached to lester~hahaha..=P

AAR(after action review) after the camps...

The only regret i had after all this is that i could have made more efforts to bond the group together... During the camp itself i already bonded them together but a lot of this bonding is done not by the activities in the camp itself but rather spontaneous activities organised by the group itself such as going for supper after the day activities finished and of cos the outings after the camp itself... i guess i tried to have as much outings as possible but i dint put in my best effort to ensure everybody comes... For this i really respect Ken Pan for being such a outstanding councilor ic to me when i was a freshie... SUPERB oNE MAN...

SPecial thanks

I am really glad to have wanyun to run the show together with me for both the engine camp and union camp.. Although u r always asking me to do stupid things with u liek do the silly estacy cheer and carry u around places during the camp, i could always rely on u to create the atmosphere to have fun~! haha... really appreciate the honey water u made for me when i lost my voice during the camps.. haha.. u are someone that i trust with my secrets and that i can confide to... Like this little sister that i never had.. haha.. LESTER U BLOODY HELL BETTER TREAT HER LIKE A PRINCESS I TELL U~!!! haha. not tat he's gonna read this.. haha. This ger is really quite something.. she Wont feel tired one.. i dunno why also.. the reason why i can always run about to facilitate stuff for the freshies and get their welfare in place is that i know that i can rely on u to help me... haha.. There are more thing i wanna write bout u but somehow i forgot le after writing for so long.. haha.. In short i am really glad that i got to know you.. haha...

Thanks to the rest of the pple tat i did not mention tat make my experience in the camps so damn fun and enriching~

Engin CAmp ROcks... Rolex rocks.. haha.. my engine camp group.. It's damn fun`!! dint know ENGIN camp can be more fun than union camp~! Posted by Picasa

my Engine Camp group..or rather those that joined my group for union camp too.. Wanyun and me in the same group for both engine and union camp.. haha  Posted by Picasa

act sehing... Posted by Picasa

some of the pple in my union camp group this yr~ It's a totally dif experience being an councilor ic and being a freshie.. think i could have done a better job in getting them to bond together...  Posted by Picasa

i miss my union camp.. haha.. its was damn fun ...i almost dint go for it.. glad i went for it in the end.. got to know some really good frens and become closer to some of my old frens...  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Your Birthdate: January 30

Your birthday on the 30th day of the month shows individual self-expression is necessary for your happiness.
You tend to have a good way of expressing yourself with words, certainly in a manner that is clear and understandable.
You have a good chance of success in fields requiring skill with words.

You can be very dramatic in your presentation and you may be a good actor or a natural mimic.
You have a vivid imagination that can assist you in becoming a good writer or story-teller.
Strong in your opinions, you always tend to think you are on the right side of an issue.

There may be a tendency to scatter your energies and have a lot of loose ends in your work.
You may have significant artistic talent and be very creative.
haha.. wat do u think? i think not really true.... haha.. being boliao now...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

haha me and shujun.. her pose a bit weird though... my freshie for engine camp, union camp and now my fellow e blocker.. beat tat.~! haha Posted by Picasa
Your Seduction Style: Sweet Talker

Your seduction technique can be summed up with "charm"
You know that if you have the chance to talk to someone...
Well, you won't be talking for long! ;-)

You're great at telling potential lovers what they want to hear.
Partially, because you're a great reflective listener and good at complementing.
The other part of your formula? Focusing your conversation completely on the other person.

Your "sweet talking" ways have taken you far in romance - and in life.
You can finess your way through any difficult situation, with a smile on your face.
Speeding tickets, job interviews... bring it on! You truly live a *charmed life*
Haha.. i dun think i am a sweettalker lar.. i am anything BUT a sweet talker... i cant charm my ways with words one leh... never could~ but well~ hahaa... guess quiz dun really reflect my style(wait.. do i have a style? haha)

Culture night

Culture night was really quite nice... Reminds of last yr when i was a yr1.. Was really impressed with the standard tat kr had last yr.. this yr it's was no different.. juz tat maybe my expectations were even higher.... Although i still prefer last yr culture night, this yr was still pretty good~! First time E block has so many pple in it lar~!!! haha... KEn Da mAn was the bomb lar.. like his Striptease Act... haha.. coool~~ swee yong looks quite zai up there sia..( no i am not gay).... lester sounds quite good during his performance~

Ken pretty sure u will never forget your stint forever.. haha ... makes me feel like trying for dance man.. haha.... Although i got no body to show off now.. but well it's fun mah... where will u ever do tat again??? unless u wan to try out something new with ur gf.. hahaha=P

I think tat steph and elaine looks gorgeous during the performance.. haha... Chiongster steph and calafare Elaine.. haha... The aca performance was outstanding as usual~

perhaps last yr the link between the performance was a bit better cos i think that in overall last yrs story was better and more entertaining... this yr one was cool but maybe fade in comparison compared to last yr one... but still GREAT PERFORMANCE PPLE~!! U ALL ROCKZ~!!!

felt like being frenly to a certain person juz now n take photo with her cos i tot i have been a bit childish but totally ignoring her. but in the end i dint.. too bad... haha... not one who bear grudges...
took lotsa photo with the E block pple ~ so nice~! haha.. i love taking photos.. haha.. anyway someone complimented me ~!! haha.. say i look nice in whitE~ cool~~~ haha like tat also happy sia~ haha

Really enjoyed myself today seeing so many of my frens performing and bonding together~ i guess it's things like this tat bonds pple together... CAnt wait to catch Hall productions~!! heard it's a musical.. haha... too shy to try for main cast though..=) it would be hell of an experience~!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Reflections(how long dint i do tat le)

After going to visit my fren in the hospital yesterday i was a bit relieved. it's not as serious as i thought it was... Glad for him... But looking him like tat makes me think of my future as a sportsman.. is it worth it in the long run? I mean can i still like play handball at like 50? It is undeniable that as someone age we will lose our physical ability gradually...Even now i am experiencing sprained ankles and cranky knees if i do not warm up and cool down after strenous exercise... Guess i should go practice on my guitar and improve on it... I think i could be a much better guitar player if only i bother to practice....

Anyway all the best my fren... I hope you recover soon and be able to pursue ur dreams.. Although i dint really keep in contact with you, i am still glad that i visited you.. bring back a lot of memories..haha.. like how we used to have the same bag.. haha. and how close our names were... so funny~ those were the days... Hope you get better soon and be able to complete ur mountain climbing instructor course soon...~jiayou~!

A lot of things have lost their meaning to me le.. Somehow i find tat i m more boh chap on how pple view me anymore... I have no idea why also...
Really sadden me to c so many of my frens experiencing so much pain now, be it physical pain or emotional pain... Really wan to ease their pain but i have no idea how to... Booze doesnt help.. It juz makes u worse... I tested n proven it le... I guess everybody experiences rough patches in their life every once in a while... It's how we pick ourselves up from that fall that determines who we are in life... Do you succumb to it or do you come out of it a stronger and better person? There are some experiences that one must experience in order to learn what's important to them... Life cant be smoothsailing forever... It will be so meaningless isnt it? You will probably think happiness is part and parcel of your life and not something that you muz fight to protect...

Never lose your pride as a man... Try your best and at the end of the day make sure that you are accountable to yourself... (i am talking to myself) Rather than criticising people try to learn from the person's experience and make yourself a better man.. Everyone has their own flaws and strengths.. The trick is to make you strength more obvious and your flaws less obvious..(talking to myself again)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

to WZ

to my fren who is experiencing the setback tat he never had before.. I dun think you will c this msg but i juz wanna say be strong yar... i really hope u can get better... I know it's hard for u but stay strong yar? I will be going over to visit you later but i juz wanna let u know that there are many pple who are very concerned about you... Really hope that u can fight on for yourself and for your family and frens... JIAYOU~!

fight on~!

got this post from my fren's blog.. think it's quite useful so i post it here for all to read...

"Let your partner know exactly when something upsets you. I've found that many people tend to not speak up when something bothers them, thinking that it is trivial to mention it. Unfortunately, what happens is after repeated times of not speaking up, some small occurrence happens and it ends up being the straw that broke the camel's back. The other partner, more often than not, has no clue what they are upset about and therefore thinks they are over-reacting.

If you find yourself in this situation, deal with each thing as it happens. Don't let things build up until you explode."anyway her title for the post is "8 Ways To Handle An Argument by Jennifer Good"

1. Give your partner enough space to voice his or her concerns.

2. Make an extra effort to really understand what you partner is trying to say.

3. Don't say something you'll regret later.

4. Don't bring in past woes.

5. Learn to compromise.

6. Realize that no matter what you say, you both may not agree on the issue at hand.

7. Make a commitment to talk about the situation until it is handled.

8. Make your relationship with your partner your first concern when you are in the middle of a disagreement.

yup agree totally. just one more point to add. In a r/s pls do not compare(i realised so many of us love to compare). who and who's bf/gf so sweet did this and that for her/him why cant u be like them. who and who is so romantic, brought who and who to where where where why u so unromantic de? my ex used to give me so much freedom, let me do this this this, why u demand so much? if u realli buai tahan wan to compare then compare how the moon is rounder here in singapore than else where. how the grass here is greener. how a fine country this is.dun bother comparing how ur current partner is better than the last also lah. what for? nxt time if ever break up and get into new r/s does it mean that the new partner will be better than this? endless things u can what i always say dun think so much will age very fast de.