Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Growing sick of stuff

Growing sick of so many things in my life right now.. sigh......

Sick of distance coming between me and so many friends but yet unable( some unbothered) to care...

Sick of being responsible... Sick of being taken for granted.. Growing sick of taking pple around me for granted... Sick of being arrowed... Sick of underachieving..

Growing sick of being judged even before doing some stuff. Growing sick of having to care about what pple think about me...

Growing sick of my phone being stolen from me every half a year. Growing sick of my brand new nike shoe being stolen from me. Growing sick of my injuries.

Growing sick of having to live up to pple expectations. Growing sick of me being so moody lately.

Growing sick of seeing myself grow fatter by the minute and yet unmotivated to train.

Growing sick of keeping blanking out when i attempt to study. Growing sick of growing sick of stuff...

Growing sick of all my flaws.. There are just so many things to improve on!

Somehow recently i just feel very sian diao for nothing.. think i am just weird.... Do guys have PMS??? cos this guy here is pmsing...

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