Saturday, September 05, 2009

Have you ever felt maligned and caught in between situation?
Well that is exactly what happened.

Personally I can empathise with both side because of the different objectives that both ends are trying to attain. I duno what exactly is gg on but wat i felt was that I was accused of certain things even before things were clarified. Something like a "you are guilty unless proven innocent" in which seriously I m not very interested in claiming my stake for innocence cause it just result in more unhappiness. What I dint like was the attitude that I was subjected to which I must say I CAN empathise to some extent.

Although I do not know exactly what was the arrangement I personally felt that no side was wrong however due to some communication breakdown, one party wasnt informed of certain arrangement in which the other party wasnt aware of as well. Well I guess certain good things that can come out of it is that it shows the importance of proper communication towards parties involved.

Also by me venting my frustration on blog just shows that there is still some way to go before I can attain the emotional maturity stated on lesson 14 on SMI. Perhaps I could have handle the situation in a better manner if I dint allow my feelings of being maligned to overcome me and objectively listened before I commented. Well end of the day it just shows that there are still much to learn in my journey towards my success in life. For everything that happened, there is always a silver lining. Instead of focusing on what has happened, I shall attempt to focus on what I can do to better improve myself in the future.

I shall perservere till I succeed!

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