Tuesday, May 24, 2005


sigh.. i guess i was quite pissed off juz now.. the exchange of msges were all pissed off msges now tat i read it.. noone was giving way and each of us were aiming at wat the other party was trying to say distorting it in the process.. how did it turn out until like tat...
can anyone tell me wat the fuck is committment phobia? too much choice? hurt in the past? she told me she got committment phobia n do not wan to be in a relationship.. how can i convince her otherwise? haven i prove to her yet? after all i know her for close to a yr le...
serina told me tat typically committment phobia is tat they enjoy being in the limelight or/and they have insecurities about relationship and how they dun last...
hmm.. for the first part i have no idea wat to do... wat to do if pple like being popular... i also dunno.. if i were to have 10 gers chasing me i also dunno wat to do man...i guess i can understand tat... but sighz...
for teh insecurity part how the hell am i supposed to make her feel secured to be with me. serina say dun hang around her too much .. then when get chance to hang around attempt to ask her about insecurities and fears.. talk bout my own insecurities and fears then relate to her..
wah seh.. how am i gonna do tat manz...siao... damnit but i muz make it happen...."cos there will be a moment u will feel like telling out some inner feelings all these one..but the point is u guys must not overdo...or else it pisses the girl off..." tat;s wat she say... hmm... really dunno how manz...but i will try...
i hope she's not pissed at me now lor..

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